Insobot Quotes » cmuratori json| csv| raw
ID ⏷ Quote Date Rating
8 I'm always a big fan of just not doing something, instead of doing it more quickly. [YT ?v=Qupqu1xe7Io&t=1832] 2017-11-15
7 And also, `Scribledy Dinkis` 2017-11-11
6 scrubldydunkis 2017-11-11
5 Reincarnation butter. The smoothest butter of all. 2016-04-20
4 You think you can mess with this crow? Come get some of this sweet melody. 2016-04-20
3 Crowver and out. 2016-04-20
2 Like a stone crowld killer. 2016-04-20
1 Can't believe I just let the butt cheeks get me, that's an amateur crow move. 2016-04-20
0 Like Thelma and Louise, but in crow form. 2016-04-20